WordPress and Windows

Well, continuing on with WordPress and exploring the multi-site network installation, I’ve discovered that WordPress and Windows, just don’t get along at all!

Error 500 pages are caused every time Jetpack is upgraded on a Windows server, I believe it’s a Timeout issue as this is a large Plugin, whilst the smaller plugins don’t seem to have a problem.

PTR Sites, WordPress hosting made easy.

So, based on this, PTR Systems has purchased an additional Linux host, dedicated to a Network WordPress installation, which we’re currently setting up as a subdivision of PTR Systems, called PTR Sites.

So, all PTR Systems’ WordPress hosted sites are being migrated slowly but surely to the new Linux host. It’s much quicker and offer’s new features like Clef login.

This site is also hosted under the same PTR Sites network installation, and we’re looking at getting a collection of the best plugins together so that if you’re a small business that wants a simple blog site, WordPress is here for you, when you get larger and you now want a shop, WooCommerce is there for you, along with Storefront. When you build up a community and want people to login and share info, we’ve got BuddyPress for you, and if you need a forum, we’ve got bbPress for you.

Not to mention the whole network site is backed up using BackWPup to three separate locations daily.

Once the whole network site is setup, along with all the plugins and select themes, there will also be a forum, which will allow shared sites to request a free plugin / theme to be installed, if it meets PTR Systems’ requirements, it will happily be installed, otherwise, we are also looking at single hosted sites too, with full Super admin privileges for people that need a little more power and want a full installation to themselves. There will be a slight premium for your own site, but will still be highly competitive.

Check out www.ptrsites.com for more information, but bear with us, as that site is under construction too.