Theme and Google AdSense

So, still not got that right feel I want with the site, and clearly the out-the-box Theme wasn’t going to do the job, but I will use one of the default themes and create a child theme from the theme.

I will tweak and tweak the design and look, as I’m a perfectionist, until they are just right. Then I will happily publish the theme on the Theme Directory and update it as I update it to support new features.

The site has also had Google AdSense added to it, unfortunately, until I have marketed my services, I don’t seem to get much work, strange that! So to continue funding the existing work I have and to gain more experience utilising AdSense, especially within WordPress, this site will have to have advertisements.

PTR Systems Limited is Alive!

PTR Systems was incorporated in December 1999, it’s had a few website changes since then, and gone through many CMS systems.

To date, WordPress seems to be the winning one, but still haven’t got that perfect Theme yet, so the site may change a lot or a little over the coming weeks or years!